- The communications device that allows the computer to access a network is called a ______ card.
- The System BIOS and ROM chips are called ____
- Which type of memory cannot be erased and reprogrammed?
- Transformation of input into output is performed by _______.
- What are individual boxes in spreadsheets called?
- Half of a byte is also called what?
- Which two operations add new data to the clipboard?
Cut and Copy
- A dot matrix printer is an example of what type of printer?
Impact Printer
- Soft page breaks _______.
are inserted by word automatically at the end of the page.
- To see the document before the printout is taken, use___
Print Preview
- Which of the following is a secondary memory device?
(1)Keyboard (2) Disk (3) Mouse (4) ALU (5) RAM
- Pick the wrong statement.
(1) Banks educational institutions & insurance companies use mainframe computers to store data about their customers
(2) Desktop computers, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablets & smartphones are all types of microcomputers.
(3) Minicomputers are used by small businesses & firms.
(4) Some super computers can span an entire building.
(5) Supercomputer are not as powerful as Mainframes.
- What is GPS technology used for?
Satellite Navigation
- To access properties of an object, we use mouse to ____.
Right Click
- What word describes inserting data from the clipboard?
- Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are all types of what software?
Web Browsers
- Reload is a synonym for what command?